Tuesday, January 31, 2012
KALYDECO!!! and My passion =)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Excedrine - Day 15
Sunday, January 29, 2012
3 of my favorite shows - Day 14

Yes I think it's a good show but the stereotypes drive me crazy!!! How how ignorant the hearing are of the deaf, different cultures and backgrounds.... But I love it because I think ASL is a beautiful language and I never get to see it used. And I guess the drama tends to pull me in, of course.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Quotes and Verses - Day 13
Friday, January 27, 2012
Widow and Sucky - Day 12
Thursday, January 26, 2012
What's in my purse... Day Eleven

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Olive Garden - Day Ten
I'm pretty sure my favorite place to eat in Olive Garden! I love the food and I have had a lot of good memories there with friends and my husband. In high school I was part of the choir and we did a mixed ensemble a lot for contest. When we would get a 1 we would travel to the state music festival and sing. Well the night before, a lot of the times, we would go to Olive Garden. It was just a tight group of friends having a good time!!! One time we even got asked to sing acappella in the restaurant!!! It was pretty embarrassing but looking back on it it was a lot of fun!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I have Crohn's disease and I am supposed to get an annual colonoscopy to check the general health of my colon, if I have polyps, if there might be cancer, if I have inflammation or ulcerations, and to remove polyps that might be there. This is really important because if something goes untreated it could get serious, very fast. But in order to have a scope, what do I need? You guessed it, insurance. I had a scope a couple of summers ago and student health insurance backed out at the last minute for paying for it so alas I was stuck with the entire bill which is now in collections because I can't even begin to pay it. Also - along with my Crohn's disease - I am supposed to be on medications. If I'm sick of course I need to be on meds, but if I'm in remission, it's equally important to be on a maintenance therapy - in my case probably back on Humira or on a "new" biologic called Cimzia. Well one injection costs thousands of dollars and you have to take them every 2-4 weeks. I cannot afford to be on medication but I can't afford NOT to be on medication. I haven't been on IBD meds for about 3 years now and it makes me nervous that I'm going to get really sick. But
(sidenote: Yes people have told me to call hospice and see if they offer any free services and I plan on doing that when I feel ready to make that phone call... and I'm telling all of you who haven't been to my small town that it is VERY VERY small and all the towns beside me are VERY VERY VERY small and there just simply are no sources around here unless I travel 3-4 hours, sometimes more...)
Milk, Eggs, and Peanut butter - Day Nine
Monday, January 23, 2012
Tonight by FM Static - Day Eight
Tonight by FM Static
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Dream Wedding? Nahh - read more! Day 7
So instead of getting caught up in these unrealistic fantasies of what my "dream wedding" would consist of, I am going to say this......
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Capuchin Monkey - Day 6
Friday, January 20, 2012
Nacho and Chloe- Day 5

Overwhelmed with debt...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Best Friends - Day Four
The reason I have chosen these people is because they have all been here for me unconditionally, always, without a doubt. Calling me, texting me, messaging me, dropping by to see me when they knew/know that I'm upset or needing some company. Their support is unwavering.
And don't get me wrong - I have SO many very, very good friends as well. =)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Group Dates - Day Three
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
PS I Love You- Day Two

Monday, January 16, 2012
Shepherd's Pie - Dinner
Jon Schmidt; All Of Me- Day One
Sunday, January 15, 2012
30 Days of Blogs
Day 1 - Your Favorite Song
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Future Plans
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Un-Health Plague and One Month
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Raw Emotion
I told myself that I wanted to be as open and expressive as possible through the process of grieving... and so here it is... raw emotion. I don't want anyone to be concerned about me... but I need to be free to express my feelings and emotions as I feel them. Some of my posts to follow will probably be more depressing than you're used to reading... but I hurt. I miss him. Positive posts will come too, I promise - I can't possibly feel depressed every second of every day... it's not how I am. But prepare yourself for the emotional and as I said before, raw, posts. I'll warn you with a simple message before I post them incase you're not wanting to read them... But here is the first post I've written about how I truly feel... Prewritten on a grief site, copy and pasted to my blog.....
I haven't been feeling like myself these last few days. The feeling is just too strong to push through and overlook - though I am really trying. I don't want to just sit around, lay around, sleep all day.... I don't want to feel like i'm being a bum. I've tried to get out with my sister and do some chores that needed to be done. I've tried reading, blogging on my blog, surfing the web, exercising, cooking... But nothing is is really sparking my interest and passion like it did before Spencer passed away. When I was stressed when I was with Spencer - I would cook. It gave me something to do, something to put my efforts into. I could be proud of something that actually went right, or just laugh at an attempt gone terribly wrong. It helped me to take a deep breath and just enjoy something rather than worry. But I have baked and cooked a few things these last few days - the passion and interest just isn't quite there. I hate that =/ I want something that is going to take my mind off of these feelings - even if it's just for a few minutes.
The feelings and emotions are just plaguing me and I can't shake them. And they are hitting suddenly. I don't know if anything triggered them; my guess is it's just grief. Crappy old grief. Not having the energy to do anything. Not having the passion behind anything that I used to. Not having the interest in things that I once did. I'm nearing a month without him.... ONLY a month. I feel like it's been a lifetime. I can't even imagine what 2 months, 3, 4, or 5 is going to feel like.
I feel lonely. So lonely. I feel like something is missing. A piece of me IS missing and there isn't a thing I can do about it. I feel trapped in a mix of emotions and a place where I just don't want to be.
I moved back home to be with my family. I'm glad I did - I have the support that I need, though I haven't quite used it yet. I just haven't been wanting to talk about it - at all. I don't know what to say about my feelings because half the time I don't KNOW what I am feeling. And I just feel trapped here. I am from a town of only 400 people... There is NOTHING around here and NOTHING to do. All of my friends are in college, of course, and no one is around. I'm completely by myself. I think that's driving me more crazy than anything. If I was back in SLC I could go and do the things I want to do. I have my friends there that I've met going to college. I DO have a support system there - but nothing like what I need. My family is going to be the best support that I can get and so it's important that I'm home. But what do I do? All i've done since I've come home is be on my computer, read, sit around... It's getting old... fast. There are no groups to join.. There just isn't anything here for me.
I hear about my friends in college (my HS classmates) doing all sorts of things and being excited about certain things... I miss that. I miss the excitement for events at college... Planning dates with my husband (whether they happened or not)... Going to my friends house for game night.. heck I even miss the commutes back and forth to the hospital. The 2 week stays in the hospital with my husband. I just miss my life. I don't want this to hold me back! But I really, REALLY need to take the time to feel how I'm feeling. I don't want to hold it in and then have it come raging back at me 3 or 4 months later because I haven't dealt with how I'm feeling. I just miss him. Period. Every single little thing about him. He's something I can NEVER get back and it hurts like hell. I feel so empty. At first it felt like my Christmas break. Coming back to KS with my family with Spencer being in the hospital. Thinking that in 2 weeks I'd be back to see him. But now I'm almost at the 4 week mark and I am realizing I can't go back. I can't enter that hospital ever again and see my love.
I got used to not being able to talk to him on the phone - as he was trached for 3 months. We would text sometimes and that was SO nice. And now I can't even pick up the phone and call or text him... He won't reply. He's not there! I think something I miss the MOST is his voice. Spencer has been gone for only 4 weeks... but his voice has been gone for over 4 months. I haven't heard him for 4 months and it hurts so much. His calming, reassuring voice that everything will be okay.. if not now - in the future. But I will NEVER hear that again from him. It's not the same coming from anyone else. The way he said it.. the words he would use to tell me that it's okay. His touch and embrace that he could give me to calm me down... I'll never - ever experience that in the way that Spencer gave it to me.. ever again.
The pain of loss, for the very first time, is gripping me tightly and not letting go... Tonight is the worse night I've had since he passed. The pain of losing your everything, your heart, soul, and being just isn't describable. It hurts to bad. It's an inward cry and pain turning outward... a searing, hot, blinding slash through your heart when you realize he's really, truly gone. That the world as you knew it ended when he died. The plans for your future were cut short. MUCH too short at the painfully young age of 23.
21 is much too young to take on the label as a widow, yet I guess I can't see it being any other way. I knew he would die when I met him. I knew he would die when I married him. I just NEVER imagined it would be 6 months later. I never imagined that we would NEVER get to experience wedded bliss; as 1 week after we married his dad died, then his mom diagnosed with cancer, and then him requiring a couple of 2 week long hospitalizations... and then the rush to hospital and 3 month long ICU stay that changed my life forever....
I have a very long life ahead of me... and I don't know where to turn next. I don't want my life to stop just because Spencer's did. He told me he wanted me to be happy with whatever I did. He told me what he wanted for me. And I KNOW I can be happy again. But I don't want to have to go through THIS to be happy. It's not fair. I hate being told that I will be a stronger and better person because of it. I am ALREADY stronger than most people who are 60 or 70 years old because of what I've been through in my short life... My own disease, Spencer's disease, caretaker, wife, widower. I've seen it all... been through it all. What else can possibly come out of going through one of life's worse experiences? What more do I have to gain through this? haven't I been given enough? WHERE DOES IT END?!
I terrified of what is to come. I know I need to take it day by day. But day by day is the SAME THING. I know my emotions are going to get worse. I hate the person I have become since he's died. AND IT WAS ONLY 4 WEEKS AGO! At first I had a passion for life that I just couldn't describe. But now... every thing has faded. I can barely look at the next hour of the mundane task I have every single day... to think about him.. what I miss.. what I no longer have... to grief and try and accept the live I've now been given.
I just don't know what more to say... I hurt. I feel so lonely... so isolated. I'm feeling sad, hurt, angry, tired... all at the same time. I can't sort through my feelings. They are all just there... haunting me. I just want to sleep - but sleep has been hard to come by. Can't sleep until 3:30 in the morning and don't wake until 11:30 or 12 in the afternoon. Not how I want it to be at all... understandable - maybe? But I don't like this pattern
I just don't like the turn I've been given.......
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Quick Thought - Song
I've been having somewhat of a harder time now that the time passed after Spencer's death has grown. I've been told a lot of things... where I'm at in the process - Other widows tell me I'm still in the 'fog stage', some say I'm still in shock. I don't know where I'm at but it doesn't matter what "stage" I'm in - it all still hurts and sucks.
I KNOW that I am still in 'shock'. The full reality hasn't hit me, and I'm sure it's going to come at different times. I'm going to feel the force of reality many times through the next year and beyond at different times. But I also know some of the shock is wearing off and I'm missing him and feeling many more emotions than what I have.
It's only been 3.5 weeks and it really doesn't feel like it. Time tends to stand still these days - though, for some reason, I do have to say that this week has went by a bit faster than the others.
At any rate - I just wanted to share this song/video that was posted on my facebook wall. I love it so much!